Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Injury

On Sunday, after a long and fruitless search for a Kofe Hauz, I returned home only to be bombarded with requests to play soccer. I was super tired, but I had promised earlier that I would so I reluctantly went. We met some of The Homestays (what we dorm people call the home stayers) and picked teams. It turned out to be so much fun!!!! Once I got into it and past the fact that I suck, I started really having fun. I forgot how much I love to play soccer. In addition to being fun, it's a great work out, which I sorely need! We played for a couple of hours and afterwards I felt happy, but exhausted.

However, once, when Theo kicked the ball to me, I tripped over it. When I did, my ankle twisted and I went down on it. It hurt a lot, but I just shook it off and kept playing. However, after I got home, I could feel it start to swell and bruise. Basically, I sprained it and it hurts. It's all bruised and swollen... even the bottom of my foot is puffy! My ankle bones have disappeared and I really hope to see them soon. It hurts a lot and I really need to be able to walk to get anywhere in Moscow. I also want to play soccer again because it was so much fun!! It blows.

On the plus side, we had blini for breakfast. Blini are basically a crepe, pancake type thing, which they serve with (surprise, surprise) smetana (sour cream). They are more crepe than pancake but they are slightly thicker than the ones Shiree used to make. AND we have hot water again. Yay! No more avoiding arctic showers!


Anonymous said...

ice it for 15 minutes at a time with 45 minutes break between icing sessions. Ace bandage it working from the toes up to the calf, not the other way around. and Do not soak it in hot water. You will be as right as rain.

Celeste said...

Yum sounds good! I hope your ankle heals quick! Playing soccer sounded like fun!