Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Cat Man and the Kitten

Among the staff at MosGU (Moskovski gumanitarny universitet), I have found a kindred spirit in one of the old guards who monitor who comes in and out of the university (the university is only accesible by electronic pass, so not just anyone can get on campus). There are a lot of stray animals that live on campus. There are three regular dogs (although I have seen a 4th before) and some stray cats. The guard feeds and looks after a family of three black cats. He was so cute; he was telling me who the mom was and that the other two black cats were her sons. They meowed at us and I almost pet one, but then he realized I didn't have any food in my hand and thus was no longer interested in my pets. I have since tried to get pictures of said cats, but they haven't been around, but I will post some when I see them again. The guard was so friendly! I very much enjoy getting to practice Russian. Just the other day two old men helped me pick out a good bottle of vodka.

My second animal story isn't a very interesting one, but it yielded very cute results. One morning when I was walking back to the dorms from breakfast in the stolovaya (cafeteria) I saw this little black kitten who was out walking by himself. He was so small! I stopped and called him over to me and he bounded over. He was so cute! He let me pet him and I held him and the pictures are below. Then, he proceeded to follow us back to the dorms only to be distracted by a babushka (he then started following her). I haven't seen him/her since, so I hope someone took him home!

ps. I have no idea why my text is a link, but it wouldn't let me undo it. :(

1 comment:

Celeste said...

Cute! You and your love of cats...It's a good thing there are some on campus for you to enjoy!